This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to meet Laura Schwartz and from the minute I met her I knew exactly why she was successful. Her smile, confidence and positive attitude light up a room. She is the epitome of why I wanted to start this blog. Before my internship at NBC, I hadn’t had the opportunity to meet and work with such successful and powerful businessmen and women. I am so thankful for the experience I had and I want college students nationwide to also benefit from these thriving executives.
Yesterday, I once again had the opportunity to speak with Laura Schwartz. Even though she is incredibly busy finishing her new book, “The Networking Power of Social Events,©” she made time to answer the questions for my blog. Her positive and determined attitude is contagious and her story is uplifting. The first question I asked her was, “What has made you successful in your career?” Without hesitation she said, “My work ethic and passion because I work for the things that I believe in.” She continued on to tell me that she only works on projects that she fully believes in whether it be a non-profit organization, community services, or political campaigns. Even through the phone I could tell how passionate and proud she was of her projects. She told me that working with people who share the same beliefs and determination for a project made the whole job worthwhile. Growing up, her parents had a love for photography but not until her dad was forced to relocate or lose his job did they have a chance to make their dream become a reality. The Schwartz’s started from scratch and now own a very successful photography business. Throughout the years Ms. Schwartz took on responsibilities in the shop; starting by stamping envelopes, then answering phones and making appointments. Ms. Schwartz said, “Their work ethic is a huge reason why they became successful, they are my inspiration.” As we continued talking about the question she then said something that has been in my mind ever since the interview, “My job is not 9 to 5 it’s 24/7 and that’s how it will be for you as well. You are an ambassador for yourself whether it is at your office, a birthday party, basketball game or happy hour. Always give 110% for yourself and for your client.”
My next question was, “What advice would you give to graduating seniors?” She answered quickly and honestly, “There’s great power in practical experience. It doesn’t matter if you are summa cum laude of your class, if you don’t have any experience I would rather take someone with a C-average.” Working for the White House, she has had the opportunity to interview hundreds of college students. She advises everyone to take initiative in their career, intern every semester you can outside of class, join clubs, sports, Greek life, and volunteer whenever you get the chance. It says a lot about someone who takes the initiative to volunteer or intern and practice what you will be doing after graduation. Having some experience in a career really benefits you and the person you will eventually be working for.
Ms. Schwartz explained to me how she started by answering phones but quickly was promoted because of her hard work and dedication. She proved herself by volunteering and working 14-15 hour days. She worked her way up the ladder of success with commitment, experience and hard work. After working as the former Special Assistant to the President and The White House Director of Events for the Clinton Administration, she was able to travel the world with President Clinton once again working in on a campaign that she is very passionate about. She now owns her own company, White House Strategies, and is working very hard on her book coming out in December. Her advice and success story is an inspiration to all. Thank you Laura!
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