“I always had good summer jobs that taught me a lot but didn’t pay well. I worked in an advertising agency, a television station and a cable system during summers. I then went directly to business school. When I graduated I wanted to get general management experience so I worked as an assistant product manager at General Foods. I learned about marketing and management but left after two years when my wife got into business school and we decided to move.”
What has made you successful in your career?
“I think to the degree I have been successful is because I have tried to do the right thing for the businesses I am responsible for rather than the expedient, safe or political thing. Ultimately, performance counts and there are no shortcuts. I also think you need to have good balance in life. Hiring great people and giving them credit goes a long way too.”
What advice would you give to graduating seniors?
"I would try to find a job that interests you rather than the one that pays the most. Ideally you should work for a company that is growing, too. Once you get the job try and work for people you respect and then don’t be afraid to speak up and take risks. Finally, always put your family before your job, you will be happier and more successful if you do so.”
Mr. Burke, thank you so much for your time and wonderful advice!
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