What has made you successful in your career?
“I began my career as a Production Supervisor, subsequently received promotions to Section Head, Production Manager, Plant Manger, Vice President of Manufacturing, Senior Vice President of Operations and finally to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer - the position I hold today. Having a technical competence in each of my various positions was important, however, I firmly believe more critical to my success was maintaining a positive ‘can do’ attitude regardless of the task at hand. This also has a very contagious effect on your peers and inevitably results in you being perceived as a leader.”
“Attention to detail; this attribute defines the difference between a "B" employee and the "A" or "high potential' employee. Write down follow up action items and make certain each one is completed. Timeliness. Complete tasks early. If something is due on Tuesday, complete it on Monday. If it's needed at 3:00, make certain you have it complete prior to 3:00 not at 3:00. Maintain a ‘humble confidence’. Do not allow titles, promotions or jobs to affect your outward image. You will earn and maintain respect throughout an organization if you consistently be yourself. Be personal with all levels within the organization. You will be surprised how much credibility and respect you will develop by engaging and speaking with every level, from the sanitation employee in the hallway to the President.”
“You will notice that none of the 5 items listed above are taught in any class or curriculum. I mention this, not to disparage education, but rather to reinforce the ability for anyone, graduating from any school, can be successful, if they work hard, are focused on excellence and maintain and project a positive attitude. These traits are completely self initiated and will also contribute to a satisfying and healthy personal life if maintained outside the corporate world.”
What advice would you give to graduating seniors?
“When determining a career path or selecting a first job - do not make the decision based solely on salary, benefits or even location. These are all important aspects but initially the most important criteria is to find a vocation or career that you truly enjoy. When you are working at something you really enjoy, you will generally excel, you will be happy at work and at home and the other criteria (money & location) almost always follows success.”
Thank you so much Frank!